In Star Trek there is a fictional interplanetary federal republic called The United Federation of Planets and it is referred to as The Federation (do you see the analogy?).
Under the wrong argument it should be called The Planets, which it is plain non-sense. Following this example it is quite easy to deduce that The United States of America should (if needed) be referred as The States but never as America.
Please, note that this page in not about demonyms (gentilics) but about the way to call a country.
Source: Wikipedia
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Let the world know that USA should not be called America! America is one whole continent.
Comments (6)
This is a poor example for civil reasons: first, aside from being a made-up thing (which, isn't a criticism in itself), but we / the show writers don't actually know what real people would end up calling "The Federation", people could really just really refer to if as "the Planets". Secondly, people refer to the San Fernando Valley as "the Valley", or how NYC is sometimes referred to people in those areas as just "the City". And nobody from "the Valley" is accused of trying to erase or conquer all other valleys on the plant... it's an abbreviative term that's used with the understanding that the listener is going to understand (which is fair: prefer the term of not, everyone who speaks English knows what a guy from the States means when he says "America").
So what is the difference us vs usa? I would love to learn if I have any rights or are my rights protected or not and do I as my own self as an American person has any freedom at all to live my life as an American in America or us or united states of America?
As you asked …
1) “So what is the difference between us vs usa?” …
“US (us)” is a word, as in “WE (we)”, so it’s not USA’s 2-letter initials. “U.S. (u.s.)” however is USA’s 2-letter initials and USA (usa) is USA’s 3-letter initials. That’s the difference!
2)“I would love to learn if I have any rights. Are my rights protected or not? Do I, as my own self, as an American person have any freedom at all to live my life, as an American in America, or U.S. or United States of America?” …
Well, your rights are protected in one way and not protected in another way. You, as an American person have the freedom to live your life, as an American in America, and U.S. or United States of America.
I also have my rights to call myself American too! I, as an American person also have the freedom to live my life, as an American in America, or Canada or Canada of America! I rather not live as an European, Asian, African or Oceanian in America anyways. 🙂
Freedonia, Usonia, Civitas-popularis, Itsalagigadohi ("ᎠᏂᏣᎳᎩᎦᏙᎯ," Cherokee for "land")... anything but "America."
I like the name Usonia. I don't know what civitas-popularis means, though.
I have just thought of these new names for the country …
1. United States of Usonia
2. Usonia of America
3. United Usonian States
Only then, Usonia would be the official short name for the country! 🙂
Sorry, but this is never going to happen... why would people from the US use some made-up neologism that sounds like an alien planet when the term "American" has been working so well for the past almost 250+ years? Sure a certain political faction in France and/or Latin America would prefer a name change, but those are the same people who just hate the existence of the United States in general, when the rest of the world has settled on "American" term long ago.
You're using a TV show and movies for your example? That's ridiculous. Um, as you observed, Star Trek is fiction. No place in this argument. Also, if you want to take this as a real example, why couldn't it be called The Planets. I'm on board with that. Go, the Planets!
Even so, what you said does not invalidate the argument. Do not stare at the finger when someone is pointing to the moon.
They're using a TV show and movies for their example? Yes! That's NOT RIDICULOUS.
Um, although Star Trek is fiction, the “interplanetary federal republic” IS still a place in this argument and as you asked “Why couldn't it be called The Planets?”, well … It CANNOT be called “The Planets” because that is called Misusing The Short Name of the official long name “United Federation of Planets”!
Therefore, Your message is ridiculous. I'm on board with that.
Go, your non-sense (whereas The Federation will never be called The Planets)!
Also, if you want to take this as a real example, you may as well only shorten …
United Federation of Planets down to United Federation, The Federation, UFP, UF and U.F. Planets (also spelt as UFPlanets) just as you can only shorten …
United States of America down to United States, The States, USA, U.S. (not US) and U.S. America (also spelt as USAmerica)!
Therefore arguing “‘America’ is one and the same as ‘United States’” as well as “‘The Planets’ is one and the same as ‘United Federation’” is plain NON-SENSE being as they will always be referring to completely different things apart from each other.
Go, The Federation (which is totally NOT the Planets)!
Go, the States (which is totally NOT America/the Americans)!
Until there are more Federations in the name (cough United States of Brazil, United Mexican States cough).
The existence of United Mexican States is why United States of America is a stupid name. The name "United States of Brazil" isn't used anymore.
This actually makes sense.