USA is not America

Even when we stated on our home page that this site is not about demonyms, because of popular demand, we are forced to clarify on this issue.

What is Demonyms?

A demonym is a name given to natives or residents of a certain or specific place. The term gentilic was used previously but is now uncommon.

A demonym is usually, but not always, derived from the name of a place.

So what about the people from the United States?

It's wide known that many people use the term American to refer to the people from the United States of America, hence overlapping the demonyms of the inhabitants of the continent of America (remember that America is one whole continent with three sub continents) with the inhabitants of the country.

So many scholars have proposed the use of many terms to solve this misuse: US American and Unitedstatesian and USian among others.

We strongly believe that US American is a fair demonym for the people of the United States of America; fair for them and fair for the continent inhabitants.

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Comments (41)

John(Puerto Rico)says...

I am United Statian, and you?

Setsuko(United States)says...

Also United Statian

Joda Locasays...

Coutry: "The United States of America"

Nationality demonym: "Americans"

Continental demonyms: "South Americans" and "North Americans"

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Lol, what you said about Nationality Demonym is just wrong. Sure, that is the way it is currently but that is just the wrong demonym when referring to United States by itself.

Obviously …

Country: "United States of America"

Nationality Demonym: "U.S.Americans"

Continental Demonyms: "North Americans" and "South Americans"

Combined Continent Official Demonym: "Americans"

Combined Continent Informal Demonym: "Pan Americans"

North Americans + South Americans = Americans

The “Pan American Olympic Games” ARE obviously …

the “AMERICAN Olympic Games”!!!

Setsuko(United States)says...

you're both wrong about the demonym for the United States. the demonym for someone from the United States should be gringo.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Excuse yourself, but only Joda Loca is the one wrong.

Therefore, I am NOT AT ALL WRONG for the demonym of the United States.

Even “Gringo” (that you mentioned) is not derived from the name “United States”.

Anyway, “United Statesian” or “U.S. American” is the correct term for referring to USA’s national demonym!

Suck it spics(Afghanistan)says...

We dont care.


The Real and True American(Canada)says...

All of you Afghanistanians and foreign countries have to care.

- United Statesians

Usonian(United States)says...

Usonian is the best demonym. It places the US initials and makes a dignified word out of it. Plus it was invented by my favorite architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. It’s the perfect name.

Setsuko(United States)says...

actually, James Duff Law used the term first.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

I will say that “Usonian” may be a good demonym for USA’s nationality, it may place the U.S. initials and make a dignified word out of it, yes, BUT unfortunately USA’s official long name does not include the word Usonia in the country’s name. So …

USAmerica is the Best “Short Name” and USAmerican(s) is the Best “Demonym” for the Nationality of USA!!! 😊👍

Setsuko(United States)says...

I like Usonian as the demonym.

sur de Américasays...

Usamerican is better demonym

Alfredo Moreno(United States)says...

By law, I am United Statian. By ancestry, I am Mexican. In recent times, I’ve been more United Statian than Mexican; The last time that I went back to Mexico was in 2010… I think.


Jeremy(United States)says...

I don't mind to be called United Statian. It's clear it refers to us. No ambiguity.





americano = Pan American

estadounidense = American

En castellano "sudamericano,na" indica "del sur de América", sin embargo en inglés América del Sur se considera continente y por eso decir "South American" indica pertenencia a ese continente.

Y con "norteamaricano" y "North American" exactamente lo mismo, en castellano el primero indica "del norte de América" y el segundo "perteneciente al continente de América del Norte".

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

You have stated the wrong translations of both demonyms.

The correct translation of SPANISH <> ENGLISH

americano = American

estadounidense = Unitedstatesian

e.u. americano = U.S. American

I could do more translations if I have to.


This is for English speakers who visit the web (a little game), if you had to invent a demonym for an inhabitant of The Americas, what would it be like? (obviously different from the word "American")

Spirit of '76(United States)says...

What do citizens of the USA call themselves? Americans. Always have, always will. The rest of the world calls us that too, for the most part.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

What does the citizens of the USA have to stop calling themselves? Oh that’s right, Americans. Always will have to stop doing so. The rest of the world has to stop calling you just Americans as well. The demonym American is not a single country’s nationality or identity (not even in English).

By the way, what you said doesn’t answer Fabián’s question.

Spirit of '76(United States)says...

The answer to Fabian's question is that the People of the USA have been calling themselves Americans since before they were even a country, and the rest of the world has called us that as well. We aren't going to stop calling ourselves that.

As for the rest of the population of the Americas, North, South, and Central, you still get to be Americans in the broader sense, but the rest of the world in most contexts is still going to consider you Chileans, Mexicans, Argentinians, Brazilians, etc. first.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

All downvotes do count as upvotes for my previous comment as well as this one!

America is NOT United States and IS the Americas or Pan America!!!

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

There is no such thing as multiple senses. USA can only be Americans in the same sense as it is for the rest of the population of the Americas, North, South, and Central.

There is no such thing as “you still get to be Americans in the broader sense”, and it’s too bad that “contexts”, “languages”, etc. do not get to determine the definitions of “America” and “American”.

Just as the rest of the world in most contexts is still going to consider all of us as Chileans, Mexicans, Argentinians, Brazilians, etc. first, that obviously means, the rest of the world is still going to consider all of you from USA as United Statesians first in most contexts.

Even though, I am not a resident of United States, I still remain American in the normal/regular sense just as you say about U.S. Citizens, period!

Mr America(UK)says...

Obviously it is not easy. There is exists Pan-American and 'from the Americas'. But why do you necessarily need one? Is there a demonym to connect all Africans and all South Americans under 1 word? In English, North America and South America are - shock fact - two separate continents. North and South Americans can easily describe the peoples of those continents together.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Hey Mr. America! It doesn’t matter what continent model every country uses. North America and South America are STILL forever America even though they are 2 separated continents in the 7-continent model and English language.

Separating the Americas apart from each other changes nothing and makes no difference.

I would truly never be North American without being AMERICAN.

In fact, the demonym ‘Americans’ fits everyone North and South of the Americas no matter what in all languages!

Mr America(UK)says...

I disagree. That’s how English works. The convention has been that people from the USA are Americans and everyone is else is from the Americas. Otherwise it is ambiguous. Some countries bundle Europe and Asia into 1 continent, but I am not Eurasian. What is the problem? If only people from the European Union were to be called ‘European’ and the British, etc had to be referred to as ‘from Europe’, I wouldn’t care.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Lol, I disagree with your statement too Mr. America. And yet, I wouldn’t care about your disagreement.

The only thing I agree on is: Some countries bundle Europe and Asia into 1 continent! What is the problem? I rather not give out the answer to the problem at this point!

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

I am not replying to myself just as it said when I typed this comment - but to the person named Mr. America …

I am wondering - How can you name yourself Mr. America … if you’re from the UK and not US?

I think your name is ridiculous because your country of United Kingdom (UK) is not part of the Americas. It is a part of Europe instead!

Therefore, your real name of this website is Mr. Europe instead! I personally would like to find out how many people would make fun of your ridiculous name anytime now! Hahahahaha!

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

If your country is a part of Europe (including United Kingdom), then you are not only European. You are Eurasian and Eurafrasian as well, being as Europe is a part of both Eurasia and Eurafrasia!

If your country is a part of Asia, then you are not only Asian. You are Eurasian and Eurafrasian as well, being as Asia is a part of both Eurasia and Eurafrasia!

If your country is a part of Africa, then you are not only African. You are Eurafrasian (aka Afro-Eurasian) as well, being as Africa is a part of Eurafrasia (aka Afro-Eurasia)!

👉 You cannot cancel out any demonym that identifies you, whether you want to be called by it or not, period!

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

To Mr America: You can disagree, but what you say is not how English works.

If “The convention has been that people from the USA are Americans and everyone else is from the Americas”, then the result of that convention is “all of those who are from the Americas ARE AMERICANS as well, not USA people only”. Otherwise it doesn’t make any sense for there to be 2 continents containing America in their names, while America is being 1 country and the same as United States by itself.

Now, just as I have said previously, I agree that “Some countries bundle Europe and Asia into 1 continent”! You asked: What is the problem?

The problem is: You can’t deny that Europe is the European part of Eurasia, and that Europeans + Asians combined are all Eurasians.

In fact, if you haven’t heard of this: Some people of their own countries also bundle Africa, Europe and Asia into 1 continent!

(to be continued)

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

(continued from previous)

Yet again, You can’t deny that Europe is the European part of Eurafrasia, and that Europeans + Africans + Asians combined are all Eurafrasians.

Of course, people from the European Union can be referred to as ‘European’ being as the EU is a part of the European continent, but if the demonym “European” is being used as the definition, meaning “only people from the European Union”, then YOU DO HAVE TO CARE that the demonym is being used as an/the incorrect definition, when of course there are more European countries that are Non-EU members. 👉 It would not be correct for the EU to steal both the name “Europe” and the demonym “European”, by choosing to invent and follow their own definition for both words.

(to be continued)

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

(continued from previous)

Also, there’s no such thing as “if a place had to be referred to as ‘from Europe’”. However, every country that is within Europe (including the islands closest to the continental mainland - such as the country of United Kingdom), MAKES SENSE to refer to them all as Europeans (including the British, etc.) for their continental identity since the UK, etc. is a part of Europe, and that truly explains who they are.

Therefore, regardless of the country you are from, YOU DO HAVE TO CARE about every demonym that you identify as. For example, if you are from UK, then that means YOU ARE British by country, European by continent (since UK is part of Europe), Eurasian by double-continent (since Europe is a part of Eurasia) and Eurafrasian by super-continent (since Eurasia is a part of Eurafrasia).

Lastly, if you don’t want to be called as Eurasian or whatever, then no big deal. But you can’t deny that those demonyms are truly a part of your identity as such!

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Let the world know that USA should not be called America! America is one whole continent.