USA is not America

Indeed, U.S.A. is not America!

America is the name of a whole continent. United States of America means that the United States belongs to America and NOT that America belongs to the United States. So, next time you want to refer to The United States of America, you can do it as U.S. or the States or whatever you want but not as only America. Gotcha?


How should I use the term America then?

Here we will show you some wrong and correct uses of the term America:

  • This is how we do it in America.
  • This is how we do it in the States.
  • America is my country and I love it.
  • The United States is my country and I love it.
  • America lost the Vietnam war.
  • U.S.A. lost the Vietnam war.
  • Here in America we love Mc Donald's.
  • Here in the U.S. we love Mc Donald's.

Please, note that this page in not about demonyms (gentilics) but about the way to call a country.

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Comments (1253)


I see some recent comments here. I thought the website was now dead but I'm glad to see this debate is still alive.

I recently learned about Operation Condor (Plan Cóndor) in Spanish, and decided to study the topic of the US' hegemonic behavior over America (yes, the continent).

If anyone is interested in collaborating towards giving more visibility to this and related topics, I'd be happy to join forces, just leave a post somewhere in my website:

Julia(United States)says...

I g­e­t­ o­v­e­r­ ­­2­5­k­ ­u­s­d­ ­a­ ­m­o­n­t­h­ ­w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ ­p­a­r­t­ ­t­i­m­e­.­ ­I­ ­k­e­p­t­ ­h­e­a­r­i­n­g­ ­o­t­h­e­r­ ­p­e­­o­p­l­e­ ­t­e­l­l­ ­m­e­ ­h­o­w­ ­m­u­c­h­ ­m­o­n­e­y­ ­t­h­e­y ­c­a­n­ ­m­a­k­e­ ­o­n­l­i­n­e­ ­s­o­ ­I­ ­d­e­c­i­d­e­d­ t­o l­o­o­­k ­i­n­t­o­ i­t. W­e­l­l­,­ ­i­t­ w­a­s­ ­a­l­l­ ­t­r­u­e ­a­nd h­a­s to­t­a­l­ly ch­a­n­g­e­d­ ­m­y l­i­f­e­…T­h­i­s i­s w­h­a­t I­ d­o,C­o­p­y B­e­l­l­o­w ­W­e­b­s­i­t­e

Just open the link———————->>

Carmelo(Dominican Republic)says...

I would accept reclassifying the continents and that South America and North America, only if they did it with ALL, to do it only with America is dishonest. So the day you see it declared that Europe and Asia are a single continent, perhaps it will emphasize the two Americas.

Carmelo(Dominican Republic)says...

*"maybe he will accept the two Americas thing."

Carmelo(Dominican Republic)says...

I will

Mrs. Anonyomous(United States)says...

If the continents were separated by tectonic plates then America will be parted into 3 (Three) different continents. Most probably it was political and cultural differences which were taken into consideration as well as history when the continents of Europe and Asia were named. Even if people have a the view that America should be two or three different continents that does not explain why the U.S. took the name of the continent to itself. It could had named it Vinland, Leif or other name particular to the indigenous of that part of the continent.

Carmelo(Dominican Republic)says...

As far as I know, the United States at the beginning was not really a country, but a confederation of sovereign states, that is, almost countries, which is why its name is not very appropriate for a nation, but rather for a continental institution such as the Organization of American States. = The United States of America. The mistake they made is not changing it when they decided to consider themselves one country.

Mrs. Anonyomous(United States)says...


Mrs. Anonyomous(United States)says...

Manifest Destiny made it happen and what was only a few States of the Union became the United States but they mistakenly used "America" instead of North America unless they were going for the entire continent and annex everything on their path.

Trinity is another fallacysays...

According to distorted stupid conception devised to push the idea that there are two continents named America (qualified as north and south to distinguish one America from the other e.g. North and South Korea); Europe and Asia should be understood as regions of the one and same continent.

Mrs. Anonyomous(United States)says...

Continents do not necessarily need to be on the same landmass or separated to be part of a continent. They were named as historians and cartographers deemed it suitable. America is a continent and it was the fourth part of the world in those days after following Ptolemy's maps. Asia and Europe were deemed two continents even though they connect. In the other hand, Europe has countries which are not in the mainland but they are part of the continent. America is one continent and some think that due to the building of the Panama Canal it was parted or cut into two. The crust/earth plate was left untouched. Meaning that the land is still connecting together into one whole landmass. This man made route thru Panama and its lakes does not in any way makes America a two piece continents!

Proud U.S. Pariasian(United States)says...

May God bless Parias

and may God bless America, the neighboring continent south of ours

Finally may God bless the rest of the world too.

Proud U.S. Pariasian(United States)says...

The Seven Continents - respective subcontinental regions:

Europe - North, Central, South, East, West, Germanic, Latin, Anglo, Slavic ... Europe

Asia - North, Central, South, East, West

Africa - North, Central, South, East, West, Maghreb, Sahel, Sub-Saharan ... Africa

Oceania - Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia

Parias - North, Central, South, East, West, Caribbean, Anglo, Latin ... Parias

America - North, Central, South East, West, Latin, Anglo, Dutch ... America

Antarctica - East and West Antarctica

God bless you all.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

How about I say it this way …

May God bless Parias, the country located between Canada and Mexico, regardless of the New World being home to 1 or 2 continents!

May God bless North America and South America, when the New World is home to 2 continents!

May God bless America, when the New World is home to 1 Continent!

… and Finally may God bless the rest of the world too!

Proud U.S. Pariasian(United States)says...

There is only one America: North America and South America are literally America's northern and southern regions of America. Central America is the region between North and South. East America is the region of America facing the Atlantic Ocean and West America is the region of America facing the Pacific Ocean.

I'm choosing to put aside my feelings in favor of acts. Hence use what should be understood as the correct and accurate interpretation of the seven continent model.

Now if one acknowledges America as being one continent; then and only then can one argue that we are all Americans as opposed to Pariasian or Americans.

Depending on the continental model you acknowledge, I'm either a proud U.S. American or proud U.S. Parisian. It's that simple.

God bless you all

Proud U.S. Pariasian(United States)says...

edit: I'm choosing to put aside my feelings in favor of facts

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Anglo’s Seven Continents 🌎🌍🌏 - the respective divisions:

Europe 🌍 - North, Central, South, East, West, Germanic, Latin, Anglo, Slavic ... Europe

Asia 🌏 - North, Central, South, East, West, Southeast

Africa 🌍 - North, Central, Middle, South, Southern, East, West, Maghreb, Sahel, Sub-Saharan ... Africa

Oceania 🌏 - Austranesia (instead of Australasia), Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and Austronesia

North America 🌎- Anglo America, Northern America, Middle America, Central America, and Insular America

South America 🌎 - Latin America, and Dutch America

Antarctica - East, West … Antarctica

And Finally the country - the respective divisions:

[B]Parias[B/] 🇺🇸 - Northwest, North, Northeast, Central, East, Southwest, South, Southeast ... Parias

God Bless You All 👍

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

I agree that There is only one America: The continents of North America and South America! Of course, they are literally the North and South sub-continents of America’s continent. Central America and Insular America are the regions between the Northern region and the South sub-continent.

However, there was never a known “East America” and “West America” region of America on any shown map in the past & Of course, I'm choosing to respect the Facts of Logic! Hence I use what should be understood as the correct definition of America and the accurate logic of the seven continent model.

Now if one acknowledges America as being one continent; then and only then can one argue that North and South America are Sub-Continents as opposed to continents or regions. Regardless of the continental model you acknowledge, I'm both a proud North American and a proud American. It is that simple.

God bless you all!

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Latin’s Six Continents 🌎🌍🌏 - the respective divisions:

Europe 🌍 - North, Central, South, East, West, Germanic, Latin, Anglo, Slavic ... Europe

Asia 🌏 - North, Central, South, East, West, Southeast

Africa 🌍 - North, Central, Middle, South, Southern, East, West, Maghreb, Sahel, Sub-Saharan ... Africa

Oceania 🌏 - Austranesia (instead of Australasia), Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and Austronesia

America 🌎- Anglo, North, Northern, Middle, Central, Insular, South, Latin, Dutch … America

Antarctica - East, West … Antarctica

And Finally the country - the respective divisions:

Parias 🇺🇸 - Northwest, North, Northeast, Central, East, Southwest, South, Southeast ... Parias

God Bless You All 👍

Mrs. Anonyomous(United States)says...

Parias is just a note on the map not that it was to name a continent. Quit being silly!

Carmelo(Dominican Republic)says...

Until the mid-20th century the word "America" was used interchangeably, or doubly, in English to refer to the continent as well as the United States (the same with "American").

I think this is what angers the rest of the Americans the most, that (even within English) the United States has tried to keep "America" in the singular; Since from the 1950s until today, English-speaking countries began to consider North and South America as continents in themselves, and thus call them together "the Americas", and that "American" was no longer a continental demonym, only "North American" and "South American".

Carmelo(Dominican Republic)says...

The proof is in this official speech by former US President Herbert Hoover, where he uses expressions such as "Republics of America", "American continent" and "American nations" (in fact this speech has to do with the creation of "Pan American Day" , which is currently called Day of the Americas)

Carmelo(Dominican Republic)says...

"1912, proclamation, Pan American Day"

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

I did not read it say "1912, proclamation, Pan American Day" anywhere as soon as I have opened up the link you have sent.

Carmelo(Dominican Republic)says...

The website doesn't let me publish the link, I don't know why, you're going to have to search for it on Google with that title and website name.

Mrs. Anonyomous(United States)says...

Yes that might had been what the U.S. has done! I have been saying it in this forum for a long time. That the U.S. took the name of America for itself, divided the continent into two, and gave it a plural name "Americas". We don't know exactly when this started but some believe it was around the 1940's50'. And as you provided some proof of that with the Hoover speech there are other proofs that shows us that this is what has been happening. Some here keep saying is that language changes or meanings and I say, meanings need people to manipulate them in order to make the changes. The word "America" does not change its meaning, it is people who change the meaning of words. Thus, someone, or some people started to use the word "America" in another way that it was intended to and we still don't know why.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

As for "1912, proclamation, Pan American Day", I believe that you have meant to send this link … 👍

But still, Pan American Day IS American (🌎) Day!

USA Day is really United States (🇺🇸) Day. 🙂


Again (because I want more opinions):

What would happen if they told you "the language (English) is ours and America and American means what we want within it"?

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Being as no one has responded yet, that may be a trick question or a difficult question to answer.

Carissa Holman(United States)says...

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What would happen if they told you "the language is ours and America and American means what we want within it"?

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

What would happen with me is that I will become offended as soon as USA people tell me exactly what you just wrote within your quote.

Of course, it would be rude of them to have words mean only what they want just because it’s their language that they speak - especially when words must be translated from one language into another correctly. For example, anyone saying “‘América’ (in Spanish) translates to ‘the Americas’ (in English)” IS totally INCORRECT.

Finally, I will always know (like most people) that “America” is the correct translation of América, Amèrica, Ameerika, Amerik, Amerika, Ameríka, Amerike, Amerikka, Amérique and Ameryka in all languages! 👍







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But if you think about it, we all do the same, for a long time in Spanish we called Nederland "Holanda", when it is only one province (actually two); and today we still call the country that is actually called "Zonghuo" China. Faced with these data, what the US Americans do with "America" ​​and "American" may not be so terrible (although to the latter perhaps they should add the U and the S).

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

And this is a reminder that I can as easily think of “The US AMERICA(N)” as in “The WE AMERICA(N)”. So, as I previously mentioned …

The United States of America is not only abbreviated as "United States", but also as "U.S. America" or "USAmerica" like that! Please NOT at all spelt as "US America" like that.

Then they’re not only "United Statesians" for their nationality, but also "U.S. American" or "USAmerican" like that! Please NOT at all spelt as "US American" like that. 🙂

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Lol, the 1 Down-Vote really comes from the Stupid David of USA - who has given me his own version of a thumbs-up to my comment which is TRUE!

Even the 1st thumbs-down to this comment will be coming from him.

Mrs. Anonyomous(United States)says...

That is how they act! Read some posts which the posters continue to use facts such as that idea that people in the U.S. should use their language as they want to. That is correct if they want to be isolated from the rest of the world but in the case of globalization, the U.S. should be respectful of the rest of the countries and change their imperialist mind.

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

As everyone would already know that America is the New World, I have actually found out that there is an existing website that is called “America is the Old World .com”. That’s!

I even know that many people on here will be arguing “Excuse me? Since when did that website exist? 🤔 That website is false, because The Old World is the continents of Europe, Africa and Asia only respectively”. 🙂

The Real and True American(Canada)says...

Lol, the 1 Down-Vote really comes from the Stupid David of USA - who has given me his own version of a thumbs-up to my comment which is TRUE!

Even the 1st thumbs-down to this comment will be coming from him. 🙂

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Let the world know that USA should not be called America! America is one whole continent.