America is the name of a whole continent. United States of America means that the United States belongs to America and NOT that America belongs to the United States. So, next time you want to refer to The United States of America, you can do it as U.S. or the States or whatever you want but not as only America. Gotcha?
Here we will show you some wrong and correct uses of the term America:
Please, note that this page in not about demonyms (gentilics) but about the way to call a country.
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Let the world know that USA should not be called America! America is one whole continent.
Comments (1254)
I win this game show game.
“Durante muchos años muchos hispanohablantes de muchos países pronunciaron muchas veces la palabra americano para referirse a los habitantes de los Estados Unidos de América o a lo relacionado con aquel país.”
“Y llegó el día en el que ocurrió lo inevitable —nuestra lengua cambia— y apareció una nueva acepción de americano en la edición del 2001 del Diccionario, y decía: ‘estadounidense’.”
Mrs. Roda Saris Anonymous, could you translate this for me?
“¡Bravo! Finalmente parece que El País nos está poniendo atención a sus lectores americanos, a quienes nos incomoda profundamente que los reporteros y articulistas de este diario, se refieran a Estados Unidos de América simplemente como América.”
“...los reporteros y refieran a Estados Unidos de América simplemente como América.”
And this?
“Yo sé que en castellano utilizamos el término americano para referirnos a las personas estadounidenses....”
“De todas maneras en España lamentablemente tambien se usan las palabras americano y norte-americano cuando lo que se quiere decir es estadounidense....”
How about this?
“En España es más común decir "estadounidense" o "americano" al referirse a una persona de EE.UU.?”
“Al menos en mi entorno (sur de España), la gente suele utilizar "americano".”
“De forma casual o informal, «americano» es bastante común....”
“[A]mericano es mucho más comun.”
“Americano es más común.”
“Para personas de Estados Unidos informalmente se suele usar americanos....”
This one is probably interesting and revealing. Please translate for me.
Let's call the country Usonia.
Let’s not. The country already has a number of names that are well-known all over the world. There’s no good reason to make a change.
United States of America is not a real name.
United States of Usonia is a real name for the country.
Rumor has it that Mrs. Roda Saris Anonymous made a New Year’s resolution to not post any BS on the internet. This means that she can’t post anything on this site because what she posts is always the quintessence of BS.
Dave made no such resolution, so he continues to post his special brand of garbage.
and because The President Of Mexico would keep making "Mexico Great Again" he should not mind on paying for the wall to "Keep America Great", that job does not belong to "The United States Of America" itself or does it?.
"Keep America Great" belongs to everybody in "America (the americas or those americas hence these america?)".
Why is it so hard to understand it?
Everybody keep it great!
So "make America great again" also includes Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela etc. etc. Nice to hear! I always thought Trump meant something else.
Well, Mexicans say "Let's Make Mexico Great Again"
Canadians say "Let's make Canada Great Again"
Get a name as a country and the confusions would be cleared out.
That's like saying "Let's make Europe great again".
"Of America" means it belongs to America.
If he is trying to make America great again it also includes the continent not just "The United States".
Every time I hear the president says that frase I just don't think about "The United States" itself, I think a little broader and see it as I should and as what it is, "America".
He is making a wall, great!
He raised the minimum wage from US $8.25/h to US $15/h and that's great.
Even though he is doing it for the American people of the United States of America mainly I still see it great for America in general!.
It is up to you to accept if he refers to the country or the continent but overall he is doing the greatest job for America!.
The good people need support and it makes me proud to keep the great ones up!
El diccionario de la Real Academia Española recientemente ha modificado la definición de América y americano, probando que en la actualidad estas palabras son generalmente usadas en referencia a los Estados Unidos y desaconsejando el uso con este inapropiado significado.
Could you translate that for me?
You should use Google Translate.